Wednesday, November 14, 2007

More Pine cone ornaments

I so love making these. Each one turns out so different and so pretty. They look awesome on a tree. I can't wait to get my tree up this year to display the ones I have made for myself and that my kids have made. Each of my kids also made at least 2 each and I have 3 kids. Each year when they are on their own they can put these on their own tree and remember the times we had making them together.

So with that said here is a few more and as promised the directions or the site I got the directions of for you to make your own.

Now the directions a great tutorial is on Amanda Sewell's blog, so check it out and make your own. Get your kids in on this one. Mine when we made these was 19, 16 and 11. And they did beautiful jobs on them. Your kids will to. Now if you make one for your Christmas gift for someone, please share with me. Just upload them to your own blog and link to my blog in the comments area. Or if you upload to SCS you can link that one here too. I would really love to see what all yours turns out like.

Hope you all had an enjoyable day. We had such strong winds here from late yesterday afternoon until just a bit ago and it is almost midnight here.

Thanks for stopping by. Check back tomorrow for another kind of ornament for you tree. Also made from designer paper and super easy to do.