Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blog Candy Winner has come forward

Thanks for getting back to me so fast Miriam. Your goodies will go in the mail hopefully tomorrow. Have to make a run to town anyway.
I am one of those lucky people that still has my Mom and my Dad yet. So I still get more memories to Cherish with them. I always like to have them over on special occasions, like the holidays and parties so that my kids can also have the fun of getting to know them. We also do family parties and holidays on my side that everyone gets together but it is fun to have it just with Mom and Dad to after all the excitement of the others is over. We make them a special meal and enjoy the times, watching movies or whatever. I will miss all that when they are gone.
Hope you enjoy your candy Miriam, I added a little surprise for you in the package.
I will try and get something stamped today and share tonight in between cleaning house. Wish I had a maid and didn't have to do the house work. LOL, but I know we all wish that.
Angel hugs

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